Source code for pokebattle_rl_env.showdown_simulator

import webbrowser
from json import loads
from logging import getLogger, debug, info, warning, DEBUG, FileHandler
from os.path import isfile
from random import random
from time import sleep

from requests import post
from websocket import WebSocket
from websocket._exceptions import WebSocketTimeoutException

from pokebattle_rl_env.battle_simulator import BattleSimulator
from pokebattle_rl_env.game_state import BattleEffect, GameState, Move
from pokebattle_rl_env.poke_data_queries import get_move_by_name, ability_name_to_id, item_name_to_id
from pokebattle_rl_env.util import generate_username, generate_token


[docs]def register(challstr, username, password): """Registers an account on Args: challstr (str): The challenge string sent by the Pokemon Showdown server. Obtain this string by connecting to the Pokemon Showdown WebSocket. username (str): The username to register. Must be unique and not yet chosen. password (str): The password to register. Must be unique and not yet chosen. Returns: str: The assertion string used as authentication with the WebSocket. Raises: ValueError: If at least one of the parameters is empty or the authentication using the provided credentials failed. """ if len(username) == 0 or len(password) == 0 or len(challstr) == 0: raise ValueError('Arguments must be non-empty.') post_data = { 'act': 'register', 'captcha': 'pikachu', 'challstr': challstr, 'cpassword': password, 'password': password, 'username': username } response = post(SHOWDOWN_ACTION_URL, data=post_data) if response.text[0] != ']': raise ValueError('Invalid username and/or password') response = loads(response.text[1:]) if not response['actionsuccess']: raise ValueError('Invalid username and/or password') return response['assertion']
[docs]def login(challstr, username, password): """Logs into an existing account on Args: challstr (str): The challenge string sent by the Pokemon Showdown server. Obtain this string by connecting to the Pokemon Showdown WebSocket. username (str): The username to login. password (str): The password to login. Returns: str: The assertion string used as authentication with the WebSocket. Raises: ValueError: If at least one of the parameters is empty or the authentication using the provided credentials failed. """ if len(username) == 0 or len(password) == 0 or len(challstr) == 0: raise ValueError('Arguments must be non-empty.') post_data = {'act': 'login', 'name': username, 'pass': password, 'challstr': challstr} response = post(SHOWDOWN_ACTION_URL, data=post_data) response = loads(response.text[1:]) return response['assertion']
[docs]def auth_temp_user(challstr, username): """Logs into a temporary user account on The account is not password protected and deleted after a day. Args: challstr (str): The challenge string sent by the Pokemon Showdown server. Obtain this string by connecting to the Pokemon Showdown WebSocket. username (str): The username to register. Returns: str: The assertion string used as authentication with the WebSocket. Raises: ValueError: If at least one of the parameters is empty. """ if len(username) == 0 or len(challstr) == 0: raise ValueError('Arguments must be non-empty.') post_data = {'act': 'getassertion', 'challstr': challstr, 'userid': username} response = post(SHOWDOWN_ACTION_URL, data=post_data) return response.text
[docs]def ident_to_name(ident): """Retrieves the pokemon name out of a pokemon identification string. Args: ident (str): The pokemon identification string. Returns: str: The name of the pokemon Examples: >>> ident_to_name('p1a: Metagross') 'Metagross' """ return ident.split(':')[1][1:]
[docs]def ident_to_pokemon(ident, state, opponent_short=None): """ """ if opponent_short is None or opponent_short in ident: pokemon = state.opponent.pokemon else: pokemon = state.player.pokemon name = ident_to_name(ident) pokemon = next(p for p in pokemon if == name) return pokemon
def parse_health_status(string): status = None max_health = None if ' ' in string: health, status = string.split(' ') else: health = string if '/' in health: health, max_health = health.split('/') return float(health), float(max_health) if max_health is not None else None, status def parse_pokemon_details(details): if ',' in details: species = details.split(',')[0] else: species = details if ', F' in details: gender = 'f' elif ', M' in details: gender = 'm' else: gender = 'n' level = 100 if ', L' in details: pos = details.find(', L') + len(', L') level = int(details[pos:pos + 2]) return species, gender, level def parse_damage_heal(info, state, opponent_short): if opponent_short in info[2]: damaged = ident_to_pokemon(info[2], state, opponent_short) health, max_health, status = parse_health_status(info[3]) if status is not None and not any( == status for s in damaged.statuses): damaged.statuses.append(BattleEffect(status)) if max_health is not None: damaged.max_health = max_health = health def parse_field(info, state, start=True): move_name = info[2] if 'move' in move_name: move_name = info[2].split(':')[1][1:] move = get_move_by_name(move_name) if 'terrain' in move: effect = move['terrain'] state.field_effects = [f for f in state.field_effects if 'terrain' not in] elif 'pseudoWeather' in move: effect = move['pseudoWeather'] else: return if start: state.field_effects.append(BattleEffect(effect)) else: effect = next((f for f in state.field_effects if == effect), None) if effect is not None: state.field_effects.remove(effect) def parse_mega(info, state, opponent_short): if opponent_short in info[2]: pokemon = state.opponent.pokemon state.opponent.mega_used = True else: pokemon = state.player.pokemon state.player.mega_used = True name = ident_to_name(info[2]) pokemon = next(p for p in pokemon if == name) pokemon.item = info[3] if opponent_short in info[2] else pokemon.item pokemon.mega = True def parse_boost(info, state, opponent_short, unboost=False): pokemon = ident_to_pokemon(info[2], state, opponent_short) stat = info[3] modifier = -1 if unboost else 1 if stat in pokemon.stat_boosts: pokemon.stat_boosts[stat] += modifier * int(info[4]) elif stat in pokemon.battle_stats: pokemon.battle_stats[stat] += modifier * int(info[4]) def parse_item(info, state, opponent_short, start=True): if opponent_short in info[2]: pokemon = state.opponent.pokemon if opponent_short in info[2] else state.player.pokemon name = ident_to_name(info[2]) pokemon = next(p for p in pokemon if == name) if start: pokemon.item = info[3] else: pokemon.item = None def parse_sideeffect(info, state, opponent_short, start=True): move_name = info[3] if 'move: ' in move_name: move_name = move_name.split(':')[1][1:] move = get_move_by_name(move_name) if 'sideCondition' in move: condition = move['sideCondition'] if opponent_short in info[2]: conditions = state.opponent_conditions else: conditions = state.player_conditions if start: conditions.append(BattleEffect(condition)) else: condition = next((c for c in conditions if == condition), None) if condition is not None: conditions.remove(condition) def parse_specieschange(info, state, opponent_short, details=True): pokemon = ident_to_pokemon(info[2], state, opponent_short) if details: species, gender, level = parse_pokemon_details(info[3]) pokemon.level = level else: species = info[3] gender = pokemon.gender pokemon.change_species(species) pokemon.gender = gender if len(info) >= 5 and not info[4].startswith('['): health, max_health, status = parse_health_status(info[4]) = health pokemon.max_health = max_health if max_health is not None else 100 if status is not None and not any( == status for s in pokemon.statuses): pokemon.statuses.append(BattleEffect(status)) def parse_replace(info, state, opponent_short): if opponent_short in info[2]: pokemon = state.opponent.pokemon[0] real_name = ident_to_name(info[2]) real_species, gender, level = parse_pokemon_details(info[3]) assumed_species = pokemon.species assumed_pokemon = next((p for p in state.opponent.pokemon if == real_name or p.species == real_species), None) assumed_name = = real_name pokemon.gender = gender pokemon.level = level pokemon.change_species(real_species) # Active pokemon is Illusion user (eg Zorark) - change accordingly if assumed_pokemon is not None: # If Illusion user has already been detected, assumed pokemon is old illusion user estimation (makes sense if you think about it) = assumed_name assumed_pokemon.change_species(assumed_species) def parse_start_end(info, state, opponent_short, start=True): if opponent_short in info[2]: pokemon = ident_to_pokemon(info[2], state) if info[3] == 'confusion': if start: pokemon.statuses.append(BattleEffect('confusion')) else: pokemon.statuses = [s for s in pokemon.statuses if != 'confusion'] def parse_status(info, state, opponent_short, cure=False): if opponent_short in info[2]: status = info[3] if 'Zoroark' in info[2] and not any(p for p in state.opponent.pokemon if p.species == 'Zoroark'): # see if cure: affected_pokemon = [p for p in state.opponent.pokemon if any(s for s in p.statuses if == status)] if len(affected_pokemon) == 1: # If only one Pokemon has the cured status, we can assume that this is Zoroark affected = affected_pokemon[0] else: return else: return else: affected = ident_to_pokemon(info[2], state) if cure: affected.statuses = [s for s in affected.statuses if != status] else: if not any( == status for s in affected.statuses): affected.statuses.append(BattleEffect(status)) def parse_move(info, state, opponent_short): if opponent_short in info[2]: move_name = info[3] pokemon = state.opponent.pokemon used_move = next((m for m in pokemon[0].moves if == move_name), None) if not used_move: used_move = Move(name=move_name) pokemon[0].moves.append(used_move) def parse_switch(info, state, opponent_short): if opponent_short not in info[2]: return name = ident_to_name(info[2]) species, gender, level = parse_pokemon_details(info[3]) pokemon = state.opponent.pokemon if pokemon[0].transformed: pokemon[0].change_species('Ditto') # ToDo: Handle Mew pokemon[0].transformed = False pokemon[0].update() health, max_health, status = parse_health_status(info[4]) switched_in = next((p for p in pokemon if p.species == species or == name), None) if switched_in is None: first_unknown = next(p for p in pokemon if p.unknown) first_unknown.unknown = False switched_in = first_unknown = name switched_in.species = species switched_in.gender = gender switched_in.level = level = health switched_in.max_health = max_health if max_health is not None else 100 if status is not None and not any( == state for s in switched_in.statuses): switched_in.statuses.append(BattleEffect(status)) switched_in.update() switched_index = pokemon.index(switched_in) pokemon[0], pokemon[switched_index] = pokemon[switched_index], pokemon[0] def parse_auxiliary_info(info, state, opponent_short): of_pokemon = None ability = None item = None for part in info: if '[from] ability:' in part: ability = part[part.find('[from] ability: ') + len('[from] ability: '):] ability = ability_name_to_id(ability) elif '[from] item' in part: item = part[part.find('[from] item: ') + len('[from] item: '):] item = item_name_to_id(item) elif '[of]' in part: if opponent_short in part: of_pokemon = part[part.find('[of] ') + len('[of] '):] of_pokemon = ident_to_pokemon(of_pokemon, state) if of_pokemon is not None: if ability is not None: of_pokemon.ability = ability if item is not None: of_pokemon.item = item def sanitize_hidden_power(move_id): if move_id.startswith('hiddenpower'): return 'hiddenpower' return move_id def read_state_json(json, state): json = loads(json) pokemon_list = json['side']['pokemon'] for i in range(len(pokemon_list)): st_pokemon = state.player.pokemon[i] pokemon = pokemon_list[i] = ident_to_name(pokemon['ident']) st_pokemon.species, st_pokemon.gender, st_pokemon.level = parse_pokemon_details(pokemon['details']) health, max_health, status = parse_health_status(pokemon['condition']) if max_health is not None: st_pokemon.max_health = max_health = health confused_status = next((s for s in st_pokemon.statuses if == 'confused'), None) if status is not None: st_pokemon.statuses = [BattleEffect(status)] if confused_status is not None: st_pokemon.statuses.append(confused_status) st_pokemon.stats = pokemon['stats'] if not all(sanitize_hidden_power(move_id) in [ for move in st_pokemon.moves] for move_id in pokemon['moves']): st_pokemon.moves = [Move(id=sanitize_hidden_power(move_id)) for move_id in pokemon['moves']] st_pokemon.item = pokemon['item'] st_pokemon.ability = pokemon['ability'] st_pokemon.unknown = False st_pokemon.update() st_active_pokemon = state.player.pokemon[0] st_active_pokemon.recharge = False st_active_pokemon.special_zmove_ix = None if 'forceSwitch' not in json: st_active_pokemon.locked_move_first_index = False active_pokemon = json['active'][0] moves = active_pokemon['moves'] st_active_pokemon.trapped = \ active_pokemon['trapped'] if 'trapped' in active_pokemon else \ active_pokemon['maybeTrapped'] if 'maybeTrapped' in active_pokemon else False if len(moves) <= 1: enabled_move_id = moves[0]['id'] if enabled_move_id == 'struggle' or\ (not any( == enabled_move_id for move in st_active_pokemon.moves) and\ any( == 'copycat'for move in st_active_pokemon.moves)): st_active_pokemon.moves = [Move(id=enabled_move_id)] if enabled_move_id == 'recharge': st_active_pokemon.recharge = True for move in st_active_pokemon.moves: move.disabled = not == enabled_move_id st_active_pokemon.locked_move_first_index = True else: st_active_pokemon.moves = [] for move in moves: move_id = move['id'] move_id = sanitize_hidden_power(move_id) move = Move(id=move_id, pp=move['pp'], disabled=move['disabled']) st_active_pokemon.moves.append(move) if 'canZMove' in active_pokemon: zmoves = active_pokemon['canZMove'] st_active_pokemon.special_zmove_ix = next(i for i in range(len(zmoves)) if zmoves[i] is not None) else: st_active_pokemon.trapped = False state.player.force_switch = json['forceSwitch'][0]
[docs]class ShowdownConnection: """Holds information on how to connect to various endpoints of a specific Pokemon Showdown instance. There are two useful endpoints of each Pokemon Showdown instance: * The WebSocket endpoint, which enables user interaction and is used to run battles * The HTTP endpoint, which displays the client and is used to view battles :const:`DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONNECTION` uses the default connection for the public instance at :const:`DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONNECTION` uses the default connection for the local instance at https://localhost:8000. Specify a new instance of this class to use a custom Pokemon Showdown instance not hosted locally. Attributes: ws_host (str): The hostname of the WebSocket endpoint. Can be different from :attr:`web_host`. ws_port (int): The port of the WebSocket endpoint. ws_ssl (bool): Whether to use the WebSocket Secure protocol. Keep in mind to use the corresponding :attr:`ws_port` (most likely 433). web_host (str): The hostname of the HTTP endpoint. Can be different from :attr:`ws_host`. web_port (int): The port of the HTTP endpoint. web_ssl (bool): Whether to use HTTPS. Keep in mind to use the corresponding :attr:`web_port` (most likely 433). """ def __init__(self, ws_host, ws_port, ws_ssl, web_host, web_port, web_ssl): self.ws_host = ws_host self.ws_port = ws_port self.ws_ssl = ws_ssl self.ws_url = ('wss' if ws_ssl else 'ws') + f'://{ws_host}:{ws_port}/showdown/websocket' self.web_host = web_host self.web_port = web_port self.web_ssl = web_ssl self.web_url = ('https' if web_ssl else 'http') + f'://{web_host}:{web_port}'
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONNECTION = ShowdownConnection( ws_host='', ws_port=443, ws_ssl=True, web_host='', web_port=443, web_ssl=True ) DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONNECTION = ShowdownConnection( ws_host='localhost', ws_port=8000, ws_ssl=False, web_host='localhost', web_port=8000, web_ssl=False )
[docs]class ShowdownSimulator(BattleSimulator): """A :class:`pokebattle_rl_env.battle_simulator.BattleSimulator` using `Pokemon Showdown <>`_ as backend. View ongoing battles at`room_id` if :attr:`local` is False or at http://localhost:8000/:attr:`room_id` if otherwise. Attributes: state (:class:`pokebattle_rl_env.game_state.GameState`): The current state of the battle. auth (str): The authentication method to use to log into Options: * empty string: Log into a temporary account. * `'register'`: Generate a username and password to register an account. The credentials will be output on the console. * path to authentication file: Logs into an account specified in a text file, where the first line specifies the username and the second line specifies the password. self_play (bool): Whether to use self play. Note that this is a naive self play-implementation. In fact, agents simply play against other agents - a temporary text file keeps track of the battles. Thus, self play only works if `number of agents % 2 == 0`. If :attr:`self_play` is false, the agent will battle against random human opponents. Keep in mind that this self-play implementation is redundant if multiple agents are deployed on a local Pokemon Showdown instance (see :attr:`connection`) without human players. If and is removed, they will battle against each other automatically. connection (:class:`pokebattle_rl_env.showdown_simulator.ShowdownConnection`): Details which Pokemon Showdown connection to use. The default connection is to the local instance at https://localhost:8000. Use a local instance of Pokemon Showdown whenever possible. See for installation instructions. Obviously, if self play is not desired, using a local/custom instance is only recommended if there are human players on it. Otherwise, set :attr:`connection` to :const:`DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CONNECTION` to use the public connection at logging_file (bool): Specify the path to a file to log debug output. room_id (str): The string used to identify the current battle (room). """ def __init__(self, auth='', self_play=False, connection=DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONNECTION, logging_file=None): info('Using Showdown backend') self.state = GameState() self.auth = auth self.self_play = self_play self.connection = connection if logging_file is not None: logger = getLogger() logger.removeHandler(logger.handlers[0]) logger.setLevel(DEBUG) handler = FileHandler(filename=logging_file, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') logger.addHandler(handler) self.room_id = None = None if self_play: self.self_play_opponent = None super().__init__() def _connect(self, auth): = WebSocket(sslopt={'check_hostname': False}) debug('Connected to Showdown socket') msg = '' while not msg.startswith('|challstr|'): msg = challstr = msg[msg.find('|challstr|') + len('|challstr|'):] if auth == 'register': self.username = generate_username() self.password = generate_token(16) assertion = register(challstr=challstr, username=self.username, password=self.password) elif isfile(auth): with open(auth, 'r') as file: self.username, password = self.password = None assertion = login(challstr=challstr, username=self.username, password=password) else: self.username = generate_username() self.password = None assertion = auth_temp_user(challstr=challstr, username=self.username) login_cmd = f'|/trn {self.username},0,{assertion}' msg = '' while not msg.startswith('|updateuser|') and self.username not in msg: msg = debug(msg) def _attack(self, move, mega=False, z=False): cmd = f'{self.room_id}|/move {move}' cmd += ' mega' if mega else '' cmd += ' zmove' if z else '' debug(cmd) def _switch(self, pokemon): cmd = f'{self.room_id}|/switch {pokemon}' debug(cmd) pokemon_list = self.state.player.pokemon pokemon_list[0], pokemon_list[pokemon - 1] = pokemon_list[pokemon - 1], pokemon_list[0] counter = 0 def _update_state(self): self.counter += 1 debug('%s, %s, %s', self.username,, self.counter) end = False while not end: msg = end = self._parse_message(msg) def _parse_message(self, msg): if self.room_id is None and '|init|battle' in msg: self.room_id = msg.split('\n')[0][1:] end = False if not msg.startswith(f'>{self.room_id}'): return False debug(msg) msgs = msg.split('\n') for msg in msgs: info = msg.split('|') if len(info) < 2: continue if info[1] == 'player': if info[3] == self.username: self.player_short = info[2] = info[3] else: self.opponent = info[3] = self.opponent self.opponent_short = info[2] elif info[1] == 'win': winner = msg[len('|win|'):] self.state.state = 'win' if winner == else 'loss' end = True elif info[1] == 'tie': self.state.state = 'tie' end = True elif info[1] == 'turn': self.state.turn = int(info[2]) if self.state.turn == 1: self.state.state = 'ongoing' end = True elif info[1] == 'html': if info[2] == "<div class=\"broadcast-red\"><b>The battle crashed</b><br />Don't worry, we're working on fixing it.</div>": self.state.state = 'tie' end = True elif info[1] == 'request': if info[2].startswith('{"wait":true') and False: # ToDo: Start battle on first action? end = True elif info[2] != '' and not info[2].startswith('{"wait":true'): read_state_json(info[2], self.state) end = self.state.player.force_switch elif info[1] == 'replace': parse_replace(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == 'move': parse_move(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == 'upkeep': for effect in self.state.field_effects + self.state.player_conditions + self.state.opponent_conditions: effect.turn += 1 for pokemon in self.state.player.pokemon + self.state.opponent.pokemon: for status in pokemon.statuses: status.turn += 1 pass elif info[1] == 'error': warning(msg) elif info[1] == 'switch' or info[1] == 'drag': parse_switch(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-boost': parse_boost(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-unboost': parse_boost(info, self.state, self.opponent_short, unboost=True) elif info[1] == '-damage' or info[1] == '-heal': parse_damage_heal(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-status': parse_status(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-curestatus': parse_status(info, self.state, self.opponent_short, cure=True) elif info[1] == '-message': if 'lost due to inactivity.' in info[2] or 'forfeited.' in info[2]: self.state.forfeited = True elif info[1] == '-start': parse_start_end(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-end': parse_start_end(info, self.state, self.opponent_short, start=False) elif info[1] == '-sidestart': parse_sideeffect(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-sideend': parse_sideeffect(info, self.state, self.opponent_short, start=False) elif info[1] == '-weather': if info[2] == 'none': = None else: if is not None and info[2] == and len(info) > 3 and\ info[3] == '[upkeep]': += 1 else: = BattleEffect(info[2]) elif info[1] == '-fieldstart': parse_field(info, self.state) elif info[1] == '-fieldend': parse_field(info, self.state, start=False) elif info[1] == '-ability': pokemon = ident_to_pokemon(info[2], self.state, self.opponent_short) ability = ability_name_to_id(info[3]) pokemon.ability = ability elif info[1] == 'endability': pokemon = ident_to_pokemon(info[2], self.state, self.opponent_short) pokemon.ability = None elif info[1] == 'detailschange': parse_specieschange(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-formechange': parse_specieschange(info, self.state, self.opponent_short, details=True) elif info[1] == '-transform': pokemon = ident_to_pokemon(info[2], self.state, self.opponent_short) to_pokemon = ident_to_pokemon(info[3], self.state, self.opponent_short) pokemon.change_species(to_pokemon.species) pokemon.transformed = True elif info[1] == '-mega': parse_mega(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-item': parse_item(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) elif info[1] == '-enditem': parse_item(info, self.state, self.opponent_short, start=False) elif info[1] == '-zpower': if self.opponent_short in msg: self.state.opponent.z_used = True else: self.state.player.z_used = True # ToDo: |-zpower|POKEMON |move|POKEMON|MOVE|TARGET|[zeffect] if '[of]' in msg: parse_auxiliary_info(info, self.state, self.opponent_short) return end
[docs] def render(self, mode='human'): """Renders the ongoing battle, if there is any. Args: mode (str): Details the rendering mode. Currently, only mode `human` is supported. `human` will simply open the ongoing battle in a web browser (if one exists). Therefore, it is advised to call :meth:`render` only once per battle. """ if mode == 'human' and self.room_id is not None: browser_url = f'{self.connection.web_url}/{self.room_id}'
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the simulator to its initial state. Call this function prior to calling :meth:`act`. It automatically sets up a new battle, even if there exists an ongoing battle. """ debug('Reset %s', if self.state.state == 'ongoing': cmd = f'{self.room_id}|/forfeit' debug(cmd) if self.room_id is not None: cmd = f'|/leave {self.room_id}' debug(cmd) self.room_id = None self.state = GameState() msg = '' while 'deinit' not in msg: msg = debug(msg) if is None: self._connect(self.auth) info('Using username %s with password %s', self.username, self.password)'|/utm null') # Team if self.self_play: # Naive self play with open('usernames', 'a') as file: file.write(self.username + '\n') lines = [] while len(lines) < 2: with open('usernames', 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() usernames = [line[:-1] for line in lines] print(self.counter, self.username, lines, usernames) username_index = usernames.index(self.username) if username_index % 2 == 0: opponent = usernames[username_index + 1] cmd = f'|/challenge {opponent}, gen7unratedrandombattle' debug(cmd) else: while True: msg = debug(msg) if msg.startswith('|updatechallenges|'): json = loads(msg.split('|')[2]) if 'challengesFrom' in json and json['challengesFrom']: opponent = next(iter(json['challengesFrom'])) cmd = f'|/accept {opponent}' debug(cmd) del lines[username_index - 1] del lines[username_index - 1] with open('usernames', 'w') as file: file.writelines(lines) break # if self.self_play_opponent is None: # with open('usernames', 'a') as file: # file.write(self.username + '\n') # sleep(1 + random()) # with open('usernames', 'r') as file: # lines = file.readlines() # usernames = [line[:-1] for line in lines] # username_index = usernames.index(self.username) # if username_index % 2 == 0: # self.self_play_opponent = usernames[username_index + 1] #'|/challenge {self.self_play_opponent}, gen7randombattle') # print(f'|/challenge {self.self_play_opponent}, gen7randombattle') # else: # self.self_play_opponent = self.username # while True: # msg = # if self.debug_output: # print(msg) # if msg.startswith('|updatechallenges|'): # json = loads(msg.split('|')[2]) # if 'challengesFrom' in json and json['challengesFrom']: # self.self_play_opponent = next(iter(json['challengesFrom'])) #'|/accept {self.self_play_opponent}') # if self.debug_output: # print(f'|/accept {self.self_play_opponent}') # del lines[username_index - 1] # del lines[username_index - 1] # with open('usernames', 'w') as file: # file.writelines(lines) # break # elif self.self_play_opponent == self.username: # while True: # msg = # if self.debug_output: # print(msg) # if msg.startswith('|updatechallenges|'): # json = loads(msg.split('|')[2]) # if 'challengesFrom' in json and json['challengesFrom']: # opponent = next(iter(json['challengesFrom'])) #'|/accept {opponent}') # if self.debug_output: # print(f'|/accept {opponent}') # break # else: #'|/challenge {self.self_play_opponent}, gen7randombattle') # print(f'|/challenge {self.self_play_opponent}, gen7randombattle') # p >> |/challenge [OPPONENT], gen7randombattle # p << |updatechallenges|{"challengesFrom":{},"challengeTo":{"to":"[OPPONENT]","format":"gen7randombattle"}} # o << |updatechallenges|{"challengesFrom":{"[PLAYER]":"gen7randombattle"},"challengeTo":null} # o >> |/accept [PLAYER] # - << |updatechallenges|{"challengesFrom":{},"challengeTo":null} # - << |updatesearch|{"searching":[],"games":null} # - << |updatesearch|{"searching":[],"games":{"battle-gen7randombattle-706502869":"[Gen 7] Random Battle"}} else: # Against human players or other agents'|/search gen7unratedrandombattle') # Tier self._update_state() if not self.self_play:'{self.room_id}|/timer on') debug('Playing against %s', self.opponent)
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the connection to the WebSocket endpoint.""" info('Connection to Showdown Socket closed')